USPS of Woodbridge Ave. Edison Gets a Surprise Coffee Delivery

This is a particularly difficult time for the world as COVID-19 washes through with hardship. Funded by 2nd Rule’s Caffeinate a Community initiative, followers on Instagram submitted the names of various small businesses in Middlesex County, NJ that they believed deserved a surprise coffee delivery.

Year round with several intense holiday seasons, our postal mail men and women work tirelessly and thanklessly to keep the world moving. Especially now, small businesses are relying on the sales of product goods, and therefore delivery services, more than ever. 2nd Rule surprised the Edison USPS on Woodbridge Ave. this morning to provide some cheer! We got there early in the morning, hoping to catch the employees before they headed out to their routes. Luckily when we arrived, the parking lot was full with nearly thirty hardworking men and women loading up their vehicles. We dropped off 6 liters of hot coffee. I couldn’t conceive why 2nd Rule was the one being applauded as one lettercarrier shouted from among the clapping, “Thank you! Nobody ever thinks of us!” This is the spirit that 2nd Rule thrives off of— neighborly love. It truly is.

Event Based Coffee Cart NJ

We received this picture from one of the staff. Thank you USPS, and all postal workers!

Update 04/02/2020: On April 1st, I read this article in which USPS reported the death of several workers as a result of the coronavirus. This is a time that feels so cruel and it is hard to conjure any right words for comfort in a loss that feels wrong. I am incredibly sorry and can only offer my prayers, which seems to be the most powerful thing I can do, for the families to receive comfort and for the legacy of those who were lost to leave tenfold more lasting beauty in this world than the pain we feel in this moment. As a small business owner, it is also difficult to continue forward in an empowering way without fear of taking a misstep that could setback our community. I imagine the same for any CEO except with a greater burden of responsibility. I hope that businesses leaders around the world can rely on each other for wisdom and sound advice, no matter how difficult it is to receive or execute on them. God bless.

Sincerely Yours,
